Friday, 18 November 2016

Jody Williams

Hello my dear readers!

Today I have decided to write you about a very important women, she is cold Jody Williams and she is a  political activist, but she is known because she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997 for her work toward the banning and clearing of anti-personnel mines.

Jody was born in October 9, 1950 as I said before she is an American political activist known around the world for her work in banning anti-personnel landmines, her defense of human rights, and her efforts to promote new understandings of security in today's world.
The Nobel Prize that she get was in representation of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL) she was served as the founding coordinator of these campaign from early 1992 until February 1998. The people of the campaign including Jody Williams says that these group is “A global network in some 100 countries that works for a world free of antipersonnel landmines, where landmine survivors can lead fulfilling lives”. The main objective of these campaign is to  seek to prevent all use, production, and trade of these anti-personnel landmines, and to ensure stockpiles are destroyed. They denounce any use of these indiscriminate weapons, and mobilize others to do so to further stigmatize them. They call for accelerated clearance of all landmines and other explosive remnants of war; and they want to see the fulfillment of victims’ rights and needs. They say that the best way to reach these goals is to ensure the universal adherence to, and implementation of, the 1997 Mine Ban Treaty.  
Prior to that work, she spent eleven years on various projects related to the wars in Nicaragua and El Salvador, where, according to the Encyclopedia of Human Rights, she "spent the 1980s performing life-threatening human rights work.
So we can say that these women  has brought many advances to society thanks to her hard work, and I think that she is a great example to follow due to she has always defended human rights.

I hope that you find interesting this post, I will like to read your opinion about these topic in the comments!

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